Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs
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Integrated management of the St. Lawrence

Regional Round Tables

Framework tools

The Regional Round Tables

A Forum for discussion and exchange

The Regional Round Tables bring together the various regional stakeholders involved in managing the resources and uses of the St. Lawrence.

The objectives of these Round Tables are to:

  • foster consultation among the regional stakeholders concerned by the issues affecting the St. Lawrence on each of the established territories;
  • help develop, adopt and monitor the implementation of a regional integrated management plan representative of the community’s concerns in accordance with the mandates and responsibilities of all stakeholders.
Extensive regional involvement

The concept for the integrated management of the St. Lawrence does not entail the creation of new agencies. The Québec government, in collaboration with regional stakeholders, will entrust the responsibility of coordinating and leading the Round Tables to a regional organization qualified to take charge of this mandate. The mandate of these organizations will be to ensure a fair representation of the interests of stakeholders involved and coordinate the work of the Round Table.

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Established gradually

The twelve Regional Round Tables (RRTs) will be established gradually. Ultimately, this will result in extending the integrated water resources management approach across southern Québec by adding to the territory already covered by integrated water resources management at a watershed level.

As indicated in the Cadre de référence (French, PDF, 1.2 Mo) for the integrated management of water resources in Québec, RRTs will be established by following the main steps below:

  1. Designation of an RRT mandatary by the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and the Fight against Climate Change, in consultation with local authorities;
  2. Hiring of a coordinator by the mandatary body;
  3. Establishment, by the coordinator, of a provisional committee to provide support in implementing the RRT.

To date, six St. Lawrence integrated management areas (French, PDF, 492 Ko) have been officially entrusted to a body designated as the mandatary under section 14 of the Act to Affirm the Collective Nature of Water Resources and Provide for Increased Water Protection:

To consult

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